Friday, November 27, 2009

Angelou and Norrell

The last time I was blogging regularly I was on a roll about the "coincidences" I tend to experience. In that vein, I'd like to share one more. It seemed that their regularity stopped after this experience, or perhaps I stopped being so aware of them.

As I've shared here, one of my Wikipedia projects is their articles about Maya Angelou. I read her fourth autobiography, "Heart of a Woman," and was ready to re-write the article, and went looking for one of the books. I swear, I spent a good part of a morning tearing up my house looking for it, but it was no where to be found. Eventually, I gave up and re-ordered it from Amazon.

Later that day, I brought the novel I was reading, "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell," to lunch with me. It's a fun read, kind of a mixture between Jane Austen and fantasy. I was inspired to read it after I helped review the article when it was up for featured article. I got to the place in the novel when Strange has published his book on English magic, and his ex-mentor, Norrell, who was opposed to the publication, put a charm on the books that made them disappear after the reader bought it.

I had to put the book down after I realized the coincidence! That's what happened to my Angelou book--some pesky magician put a charm on it, and it disappeared! I did go out and purchase an additional book, so there might just be some credence to that.

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