Saturday, December 16, 2006

Skate Canada, last post

I am so behind! I'm almost glad that TiVo screwed me over and failed to record Cup of China. At the rate I was going, I'm going to be behind when I get to the Nationals in a few weeks. As a result, I won't blog the women's long programs at Skate Canada, since I wasn't able to download that part of the competition anyway, and there aren't many English versions of them on YouTube.

Here are the English (i.e., Canadian) videos that I was able to find on YouTube:
Alissa Czisny:
Fumie Suguri:

Here's an article about the women's standings from U.S.F.A. webpage:

Of course, the real story was Stephane Lambiel's amazing come-back. I was able to find a well-done video depicting the storyline of his win. If it weren't for this video, I wouldn't have known that Lambiel sat in the audience most of the competition, and had to rush down to change back into his costume to accept his gold. It makes me wonder: why the heck wasn't that mentioned during the U.S. broadcast? It's a great story! And it depicts some real weaknesses in the way figure skating is depicted in America.

That's something I've thought about much of this season. I suspect my thoughts will develop as the season goes on, especially after attending the nationals next month.

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