Saturday, December 16, 2006

Figure Skater most recent foil in War on Christmas

Sasha Cohen has been in the news this week. She was performing at an outdoor rink near a mall in Riverside, Calif., and a city official forced some carolers to stop singing. Here's the story, via Fox News:,4670,CarolersStopped,00.html

Even Mark Shea (not a figure skating fan) has commented on this.

Bureaucratic Dunderhead Upholds Constitutional Wall of Separation Between Religion and Ice-Skating

A pluperfect confluence of cowardice, stupidity and bullying.

The good thing is that the tone of the story is very much on the side of the choir. The mayor is quoted as coming out strongly against this sort of PC idiocy. And Cohen, God bless her, makes it clear that this was a moronic act by an over-eager clown. Most of the War on Christmas coverage in the MSM has been of this type this year. I think the elites have overreached and are backing off on the recent attempts to crush Christmas.

And here's my comment in Mark's combox:

Even a Jewish publication comes on the side of the choir. They quote Sasha's mother, Galina Cohen:
“Sasha was stunned. We both thought the voices were just lovely, they were doing such a wonderful job,” said the 22-year-old skater’s “Christmas carols are part of celebrating the holiday season.” Cohen, an Olympic silver medalist, reportedly “celebrates everything.”
So there you have it. We live in such a strange world that this kind of thing happens.

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