Thursday, December 21, 2006

Belbin and Agosto

I just love these guys; they’re so beautiful, both in their appearance and the way they present themselves. I wonder, though, if the reason they’re struggling in their free dance this season is their choice of music and choreography. I’m not sure it suits them. I agree with Susie Wynn—I’m not sure it shows off what they can do. They won the competition, though.

There was much said about the “evolution” of Ben and Tanith’s free dance, especially since their disappointing performance at Cup of China. I found that performance on YouTube, as broadcasted by Chinese television. I like their change in costumes.

I was surprised at how boring their Cup of China skate was. I would’ve never described Belbin and Agosto as “boring” before this. They were much improved a week later at Cup of Russia, although their numbers didn’t show for it. (They actually scored a little higher at Cup of China.) It’s too bad they weren’t able to improve even more, due to Ben’s injury at the Grand Prix final. Their next opportunity is at the Nationals.

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