Friday, October 20, 2006

Prayer Request

My father, Tom Wombacher, had a quadruple bypass this afternoon. Surgery went well, and they corrected the problem, although he coded after they opened him up and he spent the rest of the time on the table on a bypass. He's on a ventilator, and will probably remain on it longer than usual, since his lungs are pretty unhealthy. Dad's sixty-five, a life-long smoker, and obese. So if anyone is reading this, please pray for his recovery.

Even though it's hard to find positives in this whole situation, the cool thing about it is that I've spoken to my middle brother, Steve, twice in the last twelve hours. We hadn't spoken for about four years--not because we were estranged, but because we just hadn't talked. (That's a dynamic in my family, especially since my mom died in 1992.) Steve's wife is a heart nurse, so she was able to interpret the medical-speak to Steve, who's an EMT, and he did an exceptional job explaining what happened to me.

Perhaps Dad will finally stop smoking, lose weight, and take better care of himself.


Anonymous said...


I'll pray for your father, and your family. I'm only 37, but I'll be going in for bypass surgery on Wednesday October 25. I'm scared, and I'm sure your dad was too before the surgery, but I know that God is with us all and will look after us.

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Sounds a lot like my dad when he had his heart attack. He waited some 18 hours before 'fessing up to Mom that he had chest pain. She drove him to the doc's, who then gave him an EKG. Doc went pale and ordered my mom to rush him to the ER.

Good news: he quit smoking by default (although he said he always craved cigarettes) and lost some 70+ pounds. God lent him to us for another six years.

I miss him like crazy, but am quite certain that he's influencing our lives. When he died, he was worried that there wouldn't be any male grandkids to carry on the family name. Since his death, my wife and I, and my brother his wife have each had four boys -- not a girl in the bunch! We often laugh and wonder if Dad has had something to do with it.

My family and I will pray for you and yours.

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